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tv   Weekend Early Start  CNN  November 17, 2012 3:00am-4:00am PST

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>> sean was the killer and i was a lover. i now say that daniel craig is the real killer. say that sean killer. >> roger moore, that's all for us now. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta this is "early start weekend." on the brink of war as fighting escalate between israel and hamas, experts say a lot more bloodshed before that violence stops. battling over benghazi. lawmakers are furious. the president is standing his ground and still no one in custody. all morning we're putting the conflict and players in focus. it's a fight we all wage around this time of year.
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how to stave off those extra pounds this holiday season. it is saturday, november 1th, good morning, everyone. i'm randi kaye. victor blackwell is on assignment today. we start in the middle east where the fuse is running short on the powder keg in israel. this has become a fairly common sight in gaza this week. meanwhile, militants on the other side have fired nearly 200 rockets into israel. israel is massing troops near the border with gaza. they have 30,000 troops there right now and have called up thousands more reservists to be ready. at least 39 people have died in gaza since the operations began, three have been killed in israel from the rocket attacks. meanwhile, world leaders from the united states and the united
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nations are calling on both sides to call restraint. israel stepped up the campaign. one air strikes leveled a key palestinian government building. it was the cabinet headquarters. our senior international correspondent sara sidner is there. >> around 3:30 this morning. a massive explosion. we know there have been at least four bombardments that have hit gaza. one of them hit the police headquarters. i'm going to move out of the way. the police headquarters just through the darkness there where there are some trees and you can still see a bit of light flickering there. that is light from a fire after a massive explosion there and to give you some context, two universities very close by. that's the area where you're seeing quite a few lights. the only lights on in the city. just next to it, just next to it appears it be a parking lot, a
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big square and that is historic because in 2008, that is where the very first bomb fell during operation cast led. the last time there was a major battle between gaza and israel. right now as we speak we can hear the sound of drones overhead and we can also hear the sound of planes and that means one thing and one thing only. soon, we'll start hearing the sound of bombs falling. sara sidner, cnn, gaza city. there have been big protests in egypt. cairo is vowing it won't leave gaza unprotected. in a fiery speech, egyptian president morsi condemned what he calls israel's blatant aggression. >> we support the people of gaza. we are with them in their trenches. what hurts them hurts us and the blood that flows from their children is our blood, too. >> the israeli government says
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palestinian militants have fired more than 700 rockets at israel over the past year alone and it wants that to stop. and southern israel near the gaza border is right in the rocket's path. near the gaza border, fred, good morning. you have been on the front line near gaza. what are you seeing there? >> hi, randi. we're seeing israeli troops massing there on the front line there. we are massing several sights where we're seeing tanks and bulldozers that are getting ready to invade gaza if they, in fact, are ordered to do so. they said that they're just g getting ready for it right now and perfect to conduct a round of offensive if they feel they are not achieving the goals they want to achieve with the current campaign of the air raids that are going on. of course, the big goal that they have is to stop rocket from
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coming outside of gaza. i can tell you as we speak right now, we're hearing more planes overhead and more drone activity over gaza and also several plumes of smoke come up from air strikes right now. a new wave of air strike that is happening right now as we speak. the israeli troops on the ground seem to be very, very focused. we were with forward operating reconnaissance patrol and very weary of taking fire behind gaz and very focused and somewhat tense and they also said they're ready to go in if they are asked to do so, randi. >> have more rockets been falling in southern israel since israel launched this air strike? >> certainly. there certainly have been. rockets falling into the area around other towns, as well, that are close to the gaza area. but, of course, we also saw yesterday that a rocket fell near jerusalem. also rockets targeted tel aviv,
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as well. i spent the night in the town, randi, and the people have been living with the rocket attacks for a long time. they are sort of used to them and have a routine and right now that escalated to a point that it is becoming difficult for them, as well. we were in a commercial district where normally on a friday night it would be bustling with people and the whole place was absolutely abandoned and maybe three other people there. it is something that is having a deep impact on public life. three people killed in their houses and the constant threat that is causing people to stay indoors most of the day and watch out and make out specific routes when they leave their house to make sure there is a shelter in the area, randi. >> growing more tense. fred, thank you very much in israel for us. now back here at home, the coast guard is still searching for two crew missing from an oil platform in the gulf of mexico.
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at least 11 people injured. the platform is 20 miles from the louisiana coast. only 30 gallons of fuel spill under to the gulf. now to memphis, tennessee. you're looking at the wreckage from a chain reaction crash that sent at least seven people to the hospital. a speeding driver crashed into one car, overcorrected and then crashed on into a police car. in all, six vehicles were involved, including a city bus. in aurora, colorado, details have been finalized for dividing up the $5 million. families of the 12 people killed and 5 people who suffered permanent brain damage or paralysis will get $2$20220,000 each and $160,000 for six people. florida congressman alan west will get his recount starting in a few hours,
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actually. state election officials agreed to recount early ballots only from the close house race. west is 200 votes behind challenger murphy. he believes those early ballots were counted twice. david petraeus on the hot seat and he wasn't talking about his affair. instead, part of the back and forth on benghazi. the battle in congress with accusations aimed right at the white house. rs by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffer's. the wheels of progress. seems they haven't been moving much lately. but things are starting to turn around because of business people like you. and regions is here to help. with the experience and service to keep things rolling. from business loans to cash management, we want to be your partner moving forward.
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at meineke i have options... like oil changes starting at $19.95. my money. my choice. my meineke. david petraeus' testimony on the benghazi attack wrapped up a week of back and forth on the issue. several closed door harings and briefings as congress tries to get answers to its questions. at issue is why it happened, the administration's original assessment of the attack and how that changed in the days and weeks that followed. it's been a heated week on capitol hill. here's some of the highlights. >> i think it's been very clear now for quite a long time that there was no demonstration and that, of course, was the key element in what ambassador rice was saying and what the president was saying and all about this hateful video in the demonstrations that it triggered, there was not any
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demonstrations and i didn't have to have any secret briefing to know that. >> it convinced me no effort to polites is the information that we were being given. i don't think it was deliberate or malicious in any way. why better information didn't come up more quickly. >> the american people really want to get to the bottom of this and get some answers. i think a lot of people are frustrated that we hear one story one day and another story another day and i think, by the way, this isn't just republicans, this is republicans, democrats, independents all across the country saying, what happened? we want the truth, we want to know to make sure that this doesn't happen, again. >> i think it was a good hearing. i think it gave us an idea as to the depth and breath of this of future areas to question and we will just continue to do so and plow through this until we believe we have enough
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information to make some findings. >> two things i take away from this hearing today is that, number one, were mistakes made? gosh, we know mistakes are made and we have to learn from it. what was highlighted was the professionalism of our men and women who were in the intelligence community and in the armd services who were involved here, obviously, as well as the state department. very heroic acts that took place. that was not in any way minimized, obviously, the fact that we lost four americans. and at the end of the day, our committee is going to get to the bottom of this. >> i think his testimony today cleared up a lot of issues on both sides of the aisle. i think it was also important as the director of the cia at the incident was important he testified. i think it was important for our country, our intelligence community and for general petraeus and his family to bring closures to the issues bothering him. one of the issues a lot of people were putting out that, in
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fact, he resigned so he wouldn't have to testify about benghazi. that is ridiculous. he stated today that was not the case. >> that was just some of the verbal fireworks from this week. much more on benghazi and hearings next hour. i'll talk with the former fbi director how he handled the issue. setting the scene in israel. the battle is heating up there between israel and hamas. we'll look at the fire power in play. ♪two of a kind
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a woman's death in ireland has reignited debate over that country's strict anti-abortion laws. hundreds turned out to protest the death of a hindu woman who was in the hospital for a miscarriage. doctors refused to perform an abortion and she died three days later from a blood infection. >> the state has failed in the past 20 years to make the possession clearer and protect women in this country. i think it's just a huge shame that this woman had to die in such tragic circumstances and highlight the fact that there is a major absence of clear legislation in this country at the moment. >> irish law only permit an abortion if a woman's life is at risk. ikea says some of its
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furniture was made by prisoners in 1980s. it was made by a supplier in east germany and some ikea officials may have known political prisoners were used and the company did not do enough to protect it. ikea deeply regrets that this happened and said if has bever nin acceptable. iran has taken a major step to large scale uranium enrichment. the atomic agency says iran has installed 2,800 centrifugcentri. the iaea has not been permitted to inspect that site. president obama is set for his overseas trip since winning his election. his stop in myanmar, formally known as burma, will be the first for a u.s. president. the victory between hamas
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and gaza will come up. the white house is keeping a close eye on the conflict as israeli troops mass near the border with gazatop tom foreman looks at the fire power in place. >> let's look at how the battlefield is shaping up. about the size of new jersey. 7.5 million people. 70% jewish. unemployment below 70%. gaza really small. only twice as big as washington, d.c., predominantly palestinian and employment is bad. has called israel the tenth most popular military in the world. compulsory military service. every young person must go into the moilitary for a while and they have a half million that they can call from the reserves very quickly. ground forces also very impressive.
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if you count the artillery pieces and mortar, you can get 12,000 forces on the ground. 800 aircraft out there, including some 200 helicopters. this is largely what they used to have these strikes within gaza. now, if you look at hamas, their forces are much smaller in terms of their official forces certainly. if you look at people who are really in uniform, soldiers, police, whatever you want to call it. 12,500. they have nothing like the weapons the israelis have. palestinian militants do have lots and lots of rockets. and i want to bring in a model of one of them here. this is a kasam 2. these rockets are popular because they're cheap, they're easy to make out of steel tubes. only weigh 70 to 100 pounds and fueled by commercial grade fertilizer and they can pack quite a punch. they're not very accurate. if you fire enough of them, they don't have to be accurate.
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if you go beyond this and better targets and missiles, then you start talking about range. in this conflict so far, we have reports of weapons fired from gaza traveling as much as 50 miles to hit jerusalem and tel av aviv. as much as a fifth of the population of israel is subject to these rocket urtacks. that's something they say they will not tolerate any more and that's why we keep hearing talk and speculation about a possible ground invasion of gaza. >> what a fascinating look. tom foreman, thank you very much. coming up in about ten minutes, we'll talk to an influential israeli palestinian and get his take on the chance of war versus the prospect for peace. what a difference a week makes. the election had been grabbing all the headlines. yes, it was just over a week ago the country was hyped up about long lines in florida. the voter i.d. laws and of course, ohio, ohio, ohio. now, an unfolding pentagon scandal is stealing the
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headlines and a few states, by the way, want to succeed. george powell explains it all in the week that was. >> engaged in a cover up? >> senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. >> this is a petition asking the government what alabama should see from the union. >> secession, sparring and a sex scandal ruled the week that was one week after the election -- >> this is not simply a cover up of a third rate burglary. we have four of our dip lomatic personnel dead and demand accountability. >> if you want to know who is responsible in this path, buy yourself a mirror. >> reporter: and it's politics, as usual. as both parties battled over
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benghazi and, also, that thing over at the cia. >> it has been really disappointing and shocking to learn about this. >> i was embedded with general petraeus in afghanistan. >> jill kelley attended the citizen's academy and that's where they met. >> reporter: and the story expanded. general john allen, the top commander in afghanistan who, by the way, says he did not have an affair. >> you have two four-star generals involved here. several women involved. one set of twins and a guy, a shirtless guy from the fbi. don't you miss the simplicity of the clinton years? >> well, dave, here's a little simplicity. nancy pelosi is keeping her job. >> i made a decision to submit my name to, once again, serve as the house democratic leader. >> now, if she can only get those talking points straight. >> we did not have majority, but
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we had the gavel. excuse me, we don't have the gavel. >> somebody who seems to have the gop gavel, louisiana governor bobby jindal, the likely 2016 contender told republicans this week "stop being the stupid party." meanwhile, steven colbert told us to stop talking about 2016. >> do you think it's too early to talk about 2016? we don't think so. >> okay, fine, we'll go back to 2012. why do some folks want to go back to the 1860s? >> this is a petition asking the government to what alabama succeed from the union. >> that's right from alabama, alaska, ohio and oklahoma, some citizens want to breakaway, yes, secede from the united states. >> who is going to pay for the post offices? >> good question. >> i think it's ridiculous, honestly. i really do. i think it's really dumb. >> actually not ridiculous.
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like we're living in the far side or twilight zone. who knowess. >> that is the week that was. 400 bullets, two assault rifles and a ticket to twilight. why police believe this man was planning another massacre like the one in aurora, colorado. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, i earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas! no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy most. [ woman in pet store ] it's as easy as... [ all ] one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. [ gordon ] for some this line is a convenience. how you doing today? i'm good thanks. how are you? i'm good. [ gordon ] but for others, it's all they can afford. every day nearly nine million older americans
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it is about half past the hour now, welcome back, every e everyone. i'm randi kaye. victor blackwell is on assignment. all eyes on gaza and israel right now where fears are growing of an all-out war. israeli warplanes have been pounding militants targets in gaza and convoys carrying tens of thousands of israeli soldiers are rolling towards the israeli border. fweeri gearing up for a potential ground invasion. thousands have been killed and hundreds injured. former cia director david petraeus says he believes the attack on the consulate in benghazi, libya, was a terrorist operation. it differs from the earlier suggestion it was sparked by protest. petraeus testified friday behind
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closed doors on capitol hill. much more on what he had to say about the benghazi attack is coming up next hour. in the gulf of mexico this morning, the coast guard is searching for two missing crew members from an oil platform. an explosion ripped through the platform yesterday 20 miles off the louisiana coast and used for production and not drilling. very little fuel, they say, was spilled. as we mentioned earlier victims of thet shooing in colorado will soon receive financial competition from a $5 million fund. meanwhile, police in missouri have arrested a 20-year-old man suspected of planning a similar attack at a movie theater showing the latest "twilight" film. they were tipped off by the suspect's mother. >> any time you have a family member that feels concerned enough they alert the police department. when they're concerned enough to alert the police department, we have to take that very, very seriously. given the nature of the concerns
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that were addressed, there was just no question that the police department acted responsibly for taking this individual into safety for his safety and everyone else's, as well. >> the man purchased two assault rifles and 400 rounds of ammunition and thinking about shooting people at a movie theater and walmart. we now know the train that crashed into a parade float in midland, texas, was going under the speed limit. he hit the emergency brake, but it was too late. four u.s. army sergeants were killed in the crash. they died while help other people get out of the way of that train. israel has opened the gates of hell on themselves. following attacks by izrail az thes week, so deadly and precise, they were referred to as surgical. and new this morning, this video shot overnight of the bomb blasts in gaza.
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reports that at least three people have died in gaza following israeli air strikes. also, israel has approved the call up of 70,000 reserve troops in preparation for a potential ground assault and defend the israeli people from attacks. danny danon, the israeli legislation. mr. danny, good morning. thank you very much for being here. there has, of course, a long-standing dispute -- >> good morning, randi. >> this most recent spate of violence started after gaza officials say an israeli military helicopter shot a 13-year-old boy in the head leading to recurring rocket attacks as retailiation. is israel sort of taking any responsibility for the start of this recent wave of attacks? >> randi, let's speak about the fact. the fact is that today there is no jewish settlement and we see
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hundreds of missiles flying from gaza inisrael. why are they still coming from iran? you cannot blame any incident on that. foun nr unfortunately, we hear the leaders of hamas say it very clearly. the same leadership that condemned the u.s. for assassination of osama bin laden, we cannot allow the situation that israelis cannot believe in israel and under the threat of missiles. we are very determined to take care of this problem and we'll do whatever is necessary to get rid of the hamas region. >> you do believe it was hamas that started this then? >> well, it is the fact. i can count hundreds and almost thousands of reasons why hamas and it's on a daily basis. we waited once, twice and if it happened in the u.s. and you had
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missiles flying to new york city, washington, d.c., i'm sure the u.s. would have acted long before we waited, maybe too long. but now we are determined and we are calling for the talks to get ready and we're telling to the hamas leadership and to the people in egypt today. we cannot wait any more. >> let me ask you about the troops because, as you mentioned, the possibility of this ground campaign and israel has approved the call up of 75,000 reservists. do you see israeli troops going into gaza? under what circumstances? what would make that happen? >> prime minister netanyahu said it very clearly. the goal is to bring peace and quiet to the region. if the air strikes are not efishant and the hamas would not understand that we're talking business. we would not allow missiles to fly and we do not want to do it, but we cannot wait until we see
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more coming. only two days ago, three people and we see the picture and the hamas hurting the israeli children, but are using the palestinian children because they're hiding behind them, as well. >> let me ask you about the president because you have been incredibly critical of president obama in the past. in your book you said the obama administration has sent contradictory messages and bringing into question the level of support for israel. many palestinian leaders believe they can get their state without offering any concession of their own. are you still, sir, as critical of the president saying hamas needs to stop the attacks? >> i said it very clearly in the past. president obama made very few mistakes coming to cairo in 2009. it doesn't work that way. we have to speak in a different language in the middle east. i know yesterday that prime
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minister netanyahu spoke with the president and we have the support of the u.s. behind us, but too early to call. we have to see if we will act and go into the ground operation and then we'll know if the u.s. for now we have the support and grateful for the support, the technical support and we also see the technology that we're using to bring down some of the missiles. >> danny dennen deputy speaker of the knesset. thank you very much, sir. coming up next hour, i'll talk with a member of the palestinian legislative council. a billionaire's view of the fiscal cliff. warren buffett's take on the expected economic disasters and whether he thinks there is hope of a last minute deal. [ female announcer ] a classic meatloaf recipe from stouffer's
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welcome back. 41 minutes past the hour now. a group of walmart employees are threatening to walk out on the shopping day of the year. that is black friday. part of a strike that started in october over what some say are poor working conditions. they say there could be 1,000 protests in front of stores. walmart is the nation's largest employer and it says the protesters don't represent the views of the majority of it workforce, about 1.3 million people. hostess twinkies are in short supply today. grocery stores started running out shortly after hostess announced it would cease operations. about the only place to find them right now are on ebay and you can expect to pay top dollar. one report said a ten pack was going for 25 bucks.
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the company blames its demise on a long labor dispute. >> we did have a number of bakers cross the picket lines and come to work and they trickled in during the week. i was hopeful that that appeal would resonate and that people would understand that, you know, look, at the end of the day, if they really didn't want to work there, they could come back to work and find another job while they have a job and make 92% of what they made the year before. but, you know, we didn't get enough people crossing those lines yesterday. >> if hostess does, in fact, cease operations, it is likely that a competitor will scoop up twinkies and other popular products at auction. president obama says he's hopeful that a deal will get done on the looming fiscal cliff before it's too late. he met with congressional leaders at the white house. a lot of compromising to be done before the end of the year, but will it get done? >> put revenue on the table, provided we fix the real
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problem, even though most of ply numbers, i think without exception, we're in the dilemma we're in not because we tax too let little, but spend too much. >> not getting a deal done would be disastrous. billionaire warren buffett may not agree with that. he sat down with our poppy harlow for an exclusive interview. >> we sat down with warren buffett for wide-ranging interview and top of mind is the fiscal cliff. we talked in depth about the fiscal cliff and he certainly things lawmakers in washington should work together and, as he puts it, put country over party. that being said, he wants to see president obama take a very hard line in these negotiations with republican lawmakers. here's his take. what is the likelihood of the united states falling into a recession if we go over the cliff? >> i don't think that's going to happen. i think if we go past january 31st, but we're not going to permanently cripple ourselves
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because 535 people can't get along. >> even if we go over for two months, does that dip this economy back into recession? >> i don't think so. >> you don't think so. that's interesting because the cbo believes that. >> well, i mean, you know, we had hurricane sandy which disrupted the economy for a period. we had katrina many years ago. things will disrupt the economy. i mean, 9/11 was extraordinary case. but we have a very resilient economy. we had one for hundreds of years and the fact that they can't get along for the month of january is not going to torpedo the economy. >> buffett also told me that the president and congress need to make every attempt possible to reach a compromise and he also said that does not mean that qua yoet roll over and give away the store." again, he wants to see the president take a hard line here. the big part of these negotiate azs is taxes on the wealthy. should tax rates increase or not. we ask buffet for specifics when
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it comes to taxes, especially taxes on investments or capital gains taxes. here's what he told us. >> we certainly, we certainly prosperred with capital gains rates more than double what they are currently. >> we'd be fine with 30% capital gains. >> sure. >> what about income tax? >> income taxes as high as 90% during my lifetime. now, very few people got up there. i saw lots of people paying federal tax rates of 50% and they went to work every day. >> and that position, randi, on taxes puts warren buffett at odds with a lot of other big-name american ceos. we discussed many more things, including who he thinks should be president in 2016. you can see our full interview with warren buffett on cnn's ali velshi also spoke in depth with alan greenspan. former chairman of the fed reserve about the looming fiscal cliff and greenspan a mild
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recession is a "small price to pay to get the country's debt problems under control." listen to this. >> i think if we have to have a moderate recession to solve this huge fiscal problem that is in front of us, i think that is a very small price to pay because we're not going to get out of this thing without paying. >> there is much more to hear on that. so, make sure to check out the full interview today at 1:00 p.m. eastern on "your money" with ali velshi. did you know drinking water after a meal could actually jump start your metabolism. mark mcdonald is here to tell us how much and when. [ abdul-rashid ] i've been working since i was about 16.
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you know, one job or the other. the moment i could access the retirement plan, i just became firm about it -- you know, it's like it just hits you fast. you know, you start thinking about what's really important here. ♪
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welcome back, everyone. holiday season is here and extra pounds are right behind those endless parties, meals and drinks. if you're looking to enjoy all the great food and sweet treats without busting your gut, mark mcdonald is here to tell us how to do this. thank goodness we have you, because, i'll tell you, the season is killing me already. so, a lot of people, you know, they look at the holiday season and they say it's okay to overeat. it's the holidays. how do we get around that? >> we have to shift our mind set. the holidays is only about five days. rather than saying i'm just going to gain my holiday 15, you can still eat the foods that you love and you can have fun on the holidays and those event, but eat consistently throughout so that you don't gain the 15 and you enjoy the food and keep your metabolism humming. >> you can't enjoy from halloween all the way through new year's. >> you can, but you are going to gain 15 pounds. if we want to kick off the new year's without having to lose
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the 15 pounds, it's critical that we are eating in threes. every three hours a balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates. throughout that, but when you go to thanksgiving and you want to enjoy that meal, instead of gorging yourself on that one meal and then fall asleep on the couch, just enjoy that meal and then four hours later, eat the seconds four hours later. >> so you can go back twice. i'm hearing that. that's good. really good news for me. >> i love thanksgiving. >> but you don't do it all in one sitting. you wait a few hours. which is when you're hungry, again, anyway. >> when you overeat you store fat and makes you want to crash. let's make it enjoyable. just divide it into two different meals so you still get the calories, you don't feel deprived. >> what about water? you are a big fan of drinking a lot of water. one or two glasses before
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thanksgiving meal or any meal? >> you should drink water throughout the day. i would definitely drink water with the meal, before the meal and throughout and a lot of times we think we're hungry when we're actually thirsty. you should drink women about 10 to 12 liters. >> what should we maybe avoid? anything you say just don't ever do it? please don't say pumpkin pie. >> i love pumpkin pie. thanksgiving is one day. enjoy it. you know, so, if you want to have some turkey, make sure you eat protein. have your turkey first and some stuffing and end with a little pumpkin pie and ice cream. just, instead of doing it all at once, do that like a mini meal and then four hours later do it again. don't deprive yourself on thanksgiving, just get back on plan. don't make it 45 days of eating up then get right back eating every three to four hours and then you can enjoy your holiday
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food and keep metabolism humming and win for the holidays. >> mark, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks, randi. stephen spielberg is back. how has hollywood handled the history and how accurate is that portrayal of our 16th president? we'll take you to the movies. how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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get selsun blue for itchy dry scalp. strong itch-fighters target scalp itch while 5 moisturizers leave hair healthy. selsun blue. got a clue? get the blue. a pivotal moment in u.s. history. that's what the new movie about abraham lincoln is meant to portray. it opened across the country this weekend. but does it tell a misleading story? here's cnn correspondent kareen wynter. >> steven spielberg's latest feat is receiving deafening
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oscar buzz, but is hollywood's lincoln in line with history? you know, i took that question to one of the world's leading presidential historians and what i learned might surprise you. >> this fight is for the united states of america. >> reporter: steven spielberg's "lincoln" offers a window back in time to the weeks proceeding the end of the civil war and passage of the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. >> congress must never declare equal those who god created unequal. >> reporter: but for some critics the limited snapshot of linken's presidency paints an incomplete hipicture of history. >> it leaves something to be desired. >> reporter: his book "the fiery trial" abraham lincoln and slavery won the pulitzer prize for history says it exaggerates the president's role in ending slavery. >> this settles the fate for all
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coming time. >> the emancipation of the slaves is a long, complicated, historical process. it's not the one of one man, no matter how great he was. >> afford us this moment. now, now, now! >> it was not lincoln who originated the 13th amendment, it is an abolition movement. >> reporter: based the movie script in part on doris kearns' book. >> we worked with lincoln historiests and what we're describing absolutely happened. >> it's not a question of being wrong, it's just inadequate. it gives you the impression that the ratification of the 13th amendment is the end of slavery. slavery is already dying at that moment. >> reporter: in fact, he says if the 13th amendment had not passed in january 1865, lincoln
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had pledged to call congress into special session in march. >> and there the republicans had a two-thirds mu jorsty and ratify in a minute. it is not this giant crisis in a sense that the film is portraying it. >> in one aspect of the film that is not being questioned is daniel day lewis' depiction of the president. >> i would recommend people see it and then read a book about lincoln. >> because while it's based on real events, it's not a documentary and a full understanding of history doesn't happen in 2:29. randi, the film expanded into more than 1,500 theaters this weekend. but last weekend in previews it made nearly $1 million on 11 screens. it is a movie that is sure to entertain a lot of people. randi?


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